Book Review: Connect Your Amiga!

A guide to the Internet, LANs, BBSs and Online Services

By Beth Wise, Contributing Editor,

Connect Your Amiga!
Dale L. Larson
Intangible Assets Manufacturing, Drexel Hill, PA, 1997
ISBN 1-885876-02-5

When AmigaWorld magazine went out of print my husband and I decided that in order to keep our Amigas up to date, we had to take the plunge into the Internet. Dale Larson's Connect Your Amiga! is the book we wish we'd had.

Connect Your Amiga! is the book for the Amiga user online, from the newbie who just bought his first modem to the experienced Internet user. Larson takes the mystery out of networking for the average user. He not only tells the reader what is needed to get an Amiga online, he also explains how various aspects of networking work, giving the user an idea of what his computer is really doing while connected.

In addition to providing information about the technical side of Amiga networking, Connect Your Amiga! offers an extensive list of services and sites for the Amiga user, including BBS's, Online Services, mailing lists, newsgroups, and web sites.

Connect Your Amiga! is a book that every Amiga user should be aware of. I strongly recommend that each Amiga user group have one or more copies of this book on hand for its users.